• The holiday season is upon us – meaning many Americans will be taking some time off from work.

• Business Insider looked into how everyone can make the most of a holiday break.

• Being intentional about your time and ensuring you’re able to relax and unwind is key.

The holidays are almost here, which means you might be looking forward to some time off from work.

While this time of year might be a bit chaotic, a break from work can offer you the chance to recharge and refocus.

However, it’s crucial that you don’t squander the opportunity.

Business Insider spoke with Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job” about what smart and driven professionals do when they’re on break.

Here are 15 things that successful people do during breaks:

1. They have a plan

Foto: source Strelka/Flickr

"Successful people plan ahead when a holiday break is approaching, because they recognize that it's a rare opportunity to enjoy well-earned leisure time," Taylor said. "Even if the plan is to kick back, they usually have in mind certain activities, such as visiting with family or friends."

2. They compartmentalize

Foto: source Flickr/Strelka Institute for Media

Don't ruin your break by overworking yourself. If you need to get stuff done, there's a way to handle it without dragging down the rest of your time off. "If work needs to get done, assign a period during the day or the break to attend to it," Taylor said.

3. They set boundaries

Foto: source Strelka Institute for Media

"Successful professionals let others know when and how they can be reached, so they can truly recharge," Taylor said. "Setting a day and time during the week allows you to get a lot accomplished in an efficient way." So make sure to set up an "out of office" email.

4. They get organized before they leave

Foto: source Strelka Institute/Flickr

It can be hard to relax on break if you've left your work in a state of disarray. "Tying up loose ends mitigates chaos and projects falling through the cracks by the time you return," Taylor said.

5. They assign someone to fill in

Foto: source Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

"You may not have the luxury of literally handing over your projects to a staff member, but savvy professionals will at least have a contact available who can reach them in an emergency," Taylor said.

6. They set limits

Foto: source Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

Sometimes, you just have to say "no" to things on break. "Depending on the status of your work and latitude in your position, you may sometimes have to say, 'No,' albeit diplomatically, when asked for things that can wait," Taylor said. "If that's been a challenge for you in the past, this is an opportunity to grow and feel more empowered in your work life."

7. They unwind

Foto: source Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Successful people try to detach themselves from their cell phones, Taylor said. It will help you unwind and relax.

8. They visit family and friends

Foto: source Rick Scuteri/AP

There's no place like home for the holidays. "There may be other times of the year when you have time off and those you care about aren't available," Taylor said. "But this is prime time for reconnecting with your family and friends; they likely have some down time, too."

9. They allow for some slack

Foto: source Rich Fury/Getty Images

At the end of the day, breaks are meant to be relaxing. Don't overbook yourself. "If you book yourself solid with activities during your time off, you may feel pressure, which is counterproductive," Taylor told Business Insider.

10. They plan quick getaways or staycations

Foto: source Flickr / Even Forester

Full-fledged vacations can be amazing, enriching experiences, but a lot of holiday travel can also be rather draining. Taylor noted that successful people realize that low-key getaways and staycations can be just as fun during breaks.

11. They exercise

Foto: source Shutterstock/El Nariz

Don't make excuses. Odds are, you're downing a few more candy canes than usual over break, so it's more crucial than ever that you keep up your exercise routine. "Skipping workouts over the holidays can make you feel like you're dragging, and you want to capitalize on valued time off by feeling your best mentally and physically," Taylor said.

12. They engage in their passions

Foto: source Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Getting involved in your favorite hobby or pastime, whether it's music, sports, art, reading, or other endeavors, gives you a broader and healthier perspective on life," Taylor said. "It also makes you a more interesting person in and outside of work."

13. They enjoy nature

Foto: source Paxson Woelber/Flickr

Taylor said that the holidays are an excellent time to enjoy the great outdoors and get some much-needed fresh air.

14. They detach from work

Foto: source Aya/Flickr

Whatever you do, don't waste your precious free time on work. You might get ahead in the office in the short-term, but you're risking burnout and sacrificing your own relaxation. "Work-life balance can seem a trite term, but it's how many business leaders define true success," Taylor said.

15. They volunteer

Foto: source Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

"The holidays can be an ideal time to help others who are less fortunate, especially during this time of year when a sense of support and community goes a long way," Taylor said. Plus, helping others may make you feel happier and healthier.